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Nada Jerinić at the time of constructing village Community center in her family land in Paučje
Jerinić Nada u vreme izgradnje seoskog Doma na imanju Jerinica
Community center in Paučje before Croat nationalists destroyed it in 1990s
Drustveni dom u Paučju pre rušenja
The ruins of the Orthodox Christians Church in Paučje - it was destroyed in 1940s, rebuilt in 1980s and destroyed again in 1990ss
Ostaci crkve u Paučju - crkva je rušena 1940ih, obnovljena 80ih i ponovo rušena 90ih
Black scarves on women heads in Paučje for a long time were the only signs of remembrance
for victims of Independent State of Croatia and its concentration camps Crne marame na glavama zena Paučja dugo su podsećale na one koji se nisu vratili
Dušan Jerinić was number 924 on the list of children rescued
by Diana Budisavljević from the concentration camp of Stara Gradiška and transported to Zagreb Jerinić Dušan je pod brojem 924 na spisku dece koju je Dijana Budisavljević izbavila iz logora Stara Gradiška